Monday, 26 June 2017

James Giovinazzo Broker - The Importance of Networking

The Experiences and Abilities Required to Opt for Career Transition

Vincent Jim Giovinazzo is expert at a consultive sale who during his transition from the Wall Street to the technology industry realized that there are always transferrable skills which you can use to your advantage. Experts are of the opinion that networking is one of the primary advantages of changing career paths. This is something that Jim Giovinazzo was able to discover. It proved to be useful for him since he came from an industry which thrives on interpersonal skills and networking. He mentions that you need to be able to work with all kinds, think on your feet, and also make prudent decisions. It is also important to trust your gut. This will help professionals to stay in the game and maintain a robust network.

Vincent Jim Giovinazzo Broker admits that the financial sector is a highly competitive industry. This is the reason working in this industry enables you to develop a wide range of skills that will work well with every other industry. However, you need to keep in mind that career transitions are not just for the experienced. Even if you feel that you are just starting out, you might have already gained some skills which will leverage you to another field. Articles on job mentioned that the job opportunities aren’t based on the limitability but on the manner in which you market yourself as a skilled and educated individual.

Thus, you have to be clear about the experiences and abilities you have and choose relevant qualities for highlighting specific jobs in your resume. The opposite seems to be true for people who are further along in their career. Getting trapped in a position or job is pretty easy. Hence, if you are considering a change like Vincent Jim Giovinazzo – Selling Yourself to Selling Your Products because the present role doesn’t suit your personality, skills, or values, you should avoid job-title labels. As a matter of fact, you should start from the natural interests and talents. You should consider whether whatever you are doing is professionally fulfilling and commercially viable.

In today’s era, people getting highly paid job straight out of college, working their way up the corporate ladder, and thereafter retiring from the same company in which they started working about 30-40 years ago, is out of question. People hardly stay in a single industry for more than a year. A professional change their career at least four to five times in their life. However, this statistics is an average and is not applicable for all individuals. The professional world has changed and if you want to stay ahead of everybody, you have to develop skills which will enable you to change jobs, industries, or careers.